How To Treat A Nosebleed

Did you know the correct first aid response to a nosebleed is not pinching the nose and tilting the head back to stop bleeding?⁠

Did you know the correct first aid response to a nosebleed is not pinching the nose and tilting the head back to stop bleeding?⁠

The Correct First Aid

⁠Here is what you should do instead. Try to calm and reassure your child because crying will make the bleeding worse, then follow these first aid instructions:⁠

👉🏻 Sit your child upright in a comfortable position and lean slightly forward.⁠

👉🏻 Squeeze the lower, soft part of the nose, pressing the nostrils together with your fingers (your child can do this if they are older). Keep squeezing for 10 minutes.⁠

👉🏻 Do not keep removing your fingers to check if the bleeding has stopped. The blood needs to clot, and this takes time. Reading a book can be a good distraction for your child. Have a clock handy so you can be sure 10 minutes have passed.⁠

👉🏻 After 10 minutes, release the nose and check if the bleeding has stopped. If the nosebleed continues, squeeze the nostrils for another 10 minutes.⁠

In addition to squeezing the nostrils, try the following:⁠

👉🏻 If your child can tolerate it, you can apply a cold pack to the bridge of their nose while they sit on your lap.⁠

👉🏻 Offer your child an icy pole or cold drink to cool them down and get rid of the taste of blood.⁠

👉🏻 Encourage your child to spit out any blood that has dripped from their nose into their mouth. Swallowing blood may make your child vomit, which can cause the nosebleed to continue or worsen.⁠

⚠️ If the bleeding continues after you try first aid, take your child to the doctor or your nearest hospital emergency department..

Hot Tip 💡

Use a red or dark-coloured face washer when squeezing the nostrils to help disguise the blood’s red colour. The sight of blood can shock little ones and adults who are squeamish about it. This hack can help keep everyone calm, an essential part of treating a nosebleed effectively!

You can view our reel demonstrating this first aid here.

And don’t forget to book a baby and child CPR & First Aid Class so that you know how to confidently respond to injury and illness in your child.

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