Book a CPR Kids class near you

You’re in the right place to book a baby and child CPR and first aid class with CPR Kids.
Scroll down to see the full list of class locations, dates, and times.

Some of our classes are hosted in partnership with public hospitals and must be booked directly through their websites.
Click the hospital name below to book:

Open to Everyone

We offer many classes in partnership with public and private maternity hospitals — and you don’t have to be a patient there to attend.
These sessions are open to all parents, carers, and anyone caring for little ones.

Booking instructions

Follow the easy steps below to book your class online:

  1. For Public Classes, please scroll down to find your class  TIP: complete the number of ‘Participants’ first!
  2. Select which location works for you, in ‘Category’
  3. Select your ‘Class’ or look through our full list by selecting ‘any’ 
    TIP: Don’t see your location?  Try another category (e.g Newcastle & Wollongong are listed under ‘NSW Regional’).
  4. Pick your preferred location and date, and ‘BOOK’.
    TIP: Enter our ‘WAIT LIST’ if the class is full & we’ll notify you if spots become available. 

Booking discounts

Use code 4FOR15OFF when booking public classes for groups of four or more, to receive a 15% discount! 
(not applicable to private classes, or rural roadtrip classes)

If you are a concession card holder, please contact us directly so that we can organise your booking at a discounted price.

If you are unwell at the time of your class

Please stay home if you are unwell – we can reschedule your booking for another time that suits you with no penalty.

If you have any questions at all, please call us 1300 543 727 or email us at

Prefer a private class with your family and friends?

Prefer a private couples class for you and your partner?

Not sure which class is for you?

Fully immersive & hands on experience

Learn essential life-saving skills and how to confidently act in an emergency situation.

Join the thousands of Australians who have been empowered at a CPR Kids class.

With an NPS of 93 - we care about your time with us and it shows.