Our 2023-24 Impact Report

CPR Kids' 2023-2024 Impact Report highlights a year of empowering over 8,000 families with life-saving skills, hosting Australia's first Paediatric First Aid Conference, and expanding our reach to regional and vulnerable communities. Together, we're creating safer homes and brighter futures.

CPR Kids Impact Report: 2023-2024

As another year comes to a close, CPR Kids is proud to share our 2023-2024 Impact Report, reflecting on the incredible milestones and achievements we’ve reached together. This year, we have empowered thousands of families, expanded our reach, and further solidified our commitment to life-saving education. Here’s a look back at what we’ve accomplished.

About CPR Kids

CPR Kids, a certified Social Enterprise founded in 2012, provides education on the prevention, recognition, and response to illness and injury in babies and children. With classes taught by Registered Nurses across various settings—including public and private venues, online, and in partnership with not-for-profit organizations—we strive to make life-saving skills accessible to all.

This year, we:

  • Empowered over 8,000 people with critical first aid knowledge.
  • Maintained an outstanding Net Promoter Score of 96, reflecting exceptional participant satisfaction.
  • Expanded our Nurse Educator team to over 40 members.

2023-2024 Key Highlights

Reaching More Communities

  • 600+ face-to-face sessions were held across Australia, teaching practical, life-saving skills.
  • 7 regional communities in 4 states were visited, ensuring families in rural areas have access to first aid education.
  • Over 500 families participated in our online sessions, providing flexible learning options.

Inaugural Australian Paediatric First Aid Conference

We hosted the first-ever Australian Paediatric First Aid Conference (APFAC) in May 2024. This virtual event brought together experts in paediatric health and safety, featuring:

  • Inspiring keynote speeches, including one by Turia Pitt.
  • Engaging topics like paediatric drowning, respiratory distress, and venomous snake first aid.
  • Practical workshops and on-demand content viewed for over 44,000 minutes.

Partnerships and Social Responsibility

  • Partnered with the Sisterhood Project to deliver classes to vulnerable and regional communities.
  • Distributed over 10,000 Rescue Rashies with Westpac to support families in need.
  • Worked with 22 maternity hospitals, educating over 300 healthcare staff on paediatric first aid.

Participant Impact

Our mission goes beyond teaching skills—we build confidence to act during emergencies. Participant feedback shows significant increases in confidence levels after attending our classes:

  • Confidence in CPR, choking response, and first aid improved across all categories.

Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusion

We’re dedicated to making first aid education inclusive and accessible:

  • Offered no-cost or low-cost training through partnerships with not-for-profits.
  • Reserved spots in hospital classes for families identified as vulnerable.
  • Translated resources into 13 languages and developed Mandarin online courses.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead, our focus is on:

  • Expanding outreach to more rural and regional communities.
  • Enhancing online and multilingual resources.
  • Continuing to build partnerships that make first aid education accessible to all.

Thank You

We’re incredibly grateful to our community for your unwavering support. Whether you attended a class, shared our posts, or partnered with us, you’ve played a vital role in helping us save lives. Here’s to another impactful year ahead! 💙

Ready to learn life-saving skills in 2025? Visit our Bookings Page to join a class. Together, we’re building safer homes and communities.


You can read the entire Impact Report here – Impact Report CPR Kids 23-24 (1)

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