Every parent and carer needs to know this – it was one of our most popular safety tips for 2022.
You’re at home. You realise it’s quiet, and your child doesn’t respond when you call out to see where they are.
As a parent, you will want to find your child as quickly as possible – and your instinct may tell you to check all of the most likely places that they will be (like under the beds).
What you MUST do instead, is prioritise checking places where there is a danger to the child, and where time is crucial.
Always check the places that would pose the most danger to the child FIRST.
This includes anywhere with water (pools, baths, washing machines, toilets, bird baths, buckets, etc.), anywhere they could be trapped and unsafe (the car, boot of the car), or where they could be headed for danger, like the road.
It is better to find them safe under a bed after checking these places, than the other way around.