Fever in babies and children – our favourite tips and resources

A compilation of our most popular fever-related tips, tricks and advice, as well as resources.

We have compiled some of our favourite resources and past tips when it comes to fever.

Firstly, check out this infographic on ‘fever in babies and children’ from Health Direct;

Fever in children infographic

Save this one to your phone!

Infographic courtesy of Healthdirect Australia.

Fever in babies – quick tip

Fever (when a child’s temperature rises above 38°C), is common in children… but in infants 0-3 months old, it is a red flag and requires medical attention.

For information on when fever requires medical attention in older babies and children, visit the Royal Children’s Hospital Fever Fact Sheet

NOTE: Fever with a non-blanching rash is also a red flag – more on that here

Taking temps – Quick Tip

Oral thermometers should only be used on older children and ear thermometers can give inaccurate readings in small children.

When you use an underarm thermometer, make sure you don’t have any of your child’s clothing caught between the tip and her skin as this will affect the reading. Hold it in place firmly until it gives the final reading, usually indicated by a beeping sound.

#HACK – get to know your little one’s temperature!

When your little one is unwell, the last thing you want to do is upset and scare them – it can make checking their temperature impossible.

Getting them used to having their temperature measured (and other medical procedures like listening to their chest with a stethoscope) can really help when it matters most.

And remember, fever is the body’s natural response, so don’t panic! Don’t focus on the number, look at your child. Which brings us to our final tip…

Look at your child as a whole

But what does that mean? Here is a good example –

“My two girls had a rather nasty bacterial throat infection a few years ago. My younger daughter had a temperature of just over 40 degrees Celsius. She was sitting up, drinking, asking for icy poles and watching Sesame Street. My older child, who had a lower temperature of just over 38 degrees Celsius, was by contrast very sleepy, had not passed urine all day and could barely lift her head off the pillow. I took her to the hospital. The other one only needed to see the GP.” This is an extract from ‘A Life. A Finger. A Pea up a Nose’ written by paediatric nurse and founder of CPR Kids, Sarah Hunstead – and is her own personal experience! It is a good reminder to look at your child as a whole – fever is the bodies natural response to infection and you should only give pain relief for comfort (not treatment!) More on that in our video below

We also recommend checking out our recent live – where we discuss ‘Fever – Fact or Fiction’ – dispelling the common myths about fever in babies and children.

Fever – the CPR Kids video

And finally, here is our detailed video on fever – everything you need to know!


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