‘It takes a tribe to raise a child’ – do you have a paediatric doctor in your tribe?
Chances are unless you have a paediatric specialist within your family or friends, you don’t have a doctor on call of a night, to support you during times of illness or injury.
Traditionally if your little one was unwell or injured ‘after-hours’, the options you had were to find an after-hours GP or to go to the Emergency Department at your nearest hospital (even if you knew it wasn’t a medical emergency).
But there is another way – online health care for kids. Come in Cub Care.
Cub Care run a virtual clinic with a team of specialist paediatric doctors, available for those times when your little one is hurt or sick after hours, you need support and advice, and the situation is not a medical emergency that requires an ambulance or a trip to the Emergency Department.
How it works;
- Cub Care will send you an SMS with a link to your child’s virtual treatment room for the evening
- Consult with a children’s specialist doctor and create a care plan via phone, video call, or computer.
- You can always reach out for help at any time throughout the evening
- If needed, Cub Care will admit you to their Virtual Ward and schedule a review for later in the evening
- One of the Cub Care support team will check in with you the next day to make sure everything is going OK.
It’s like visiting a Doctor but from home. Your clinician will be able to provide prescriptions needed, pathology requests, x-ray requests, referrals and medical certificates.
If your clinician does feel your child needs an in-person physical exam, they can provide you with quick and expert advice about the seriousness of the issue and recommend where and how urgently you should seek help.
And don’t forget to book your class with us so that you do know what to do in an emergency with your little one.
PS This is NOT a paid promotion, we just LOVE what CubCare do and how amazing it is to have a paediatric specialist available when you need it most!